Patrick Gibson, an army dad, never imagined he would be so angry when he left the supermarket. In fact, it was another family shopping cart that sent him into fury. So, what exactly did they do? Keep reading to know more!
In A Rage
It began as any other trip to the supermarket but ended with him fleeing the store in a rage. He wasn’t enraged by the long lines at the checkout counters or the suffocating crowds in the produce aisle. It wasn’t the misbehaving children who had public meltdowns as their mothers walked by with glassy eyes. It was another family’s shopping cart. When he saw their massive haul, the military man felt like he was going to pass out. He snapped a photo of the cart and posted it to Facebook immediately.

In A Rage
Working Hard For His Family
Patrick Gibson is doing everything he can to support his small family, which is his top priority. He had hoped that once he enlisted in the U.S. Army, things would improve. He would be serving his country, even if he would have to leave his family for several months at a time. However, the time he spent away from the people he cared about was beginning to wear him down. Patrick understood that anything worthwhile would not come easily, so he tried to remember what his father had taught him: nothing in life is free.

Working Hard For His Family