You’d better be ready for some hilarious street posters, because these are top notch! The days of boring street signs are long gone, these are the new kinds, and they are too hysterical to miss. We’re sure they had the best intentions when they posted these street posters, but they definitely weren’t expecting these results.
Street posters are quite a riot, if you ask me. They’re supposed to be informative signs for the public to read. Sometimes they’re there to advertise a service or to sell a product, but not always. There are cases when the notices are sharing one’s despair about a lost pet or object. In some situations the poster helps reunite the missing with the misser, but there are still many stories of the lost never being found.
When I was just a young teenager I was given a job as a house-sitter. The woman who lived in the house gave me strict instructions how to care for her pool, her dog, and her sketchy cat while she was away for ten days. The dog was a breeze, the pool a pleasure, the cat… aloof. No surprises there. After the third day of my job, she took off… never to be seen again. I desperately scrambled for whatever street poster worthy stationery I had, and made some missing signs that popped up all over town. I built up the courage to tell the woman about the cat, and she was anything but forgiving. Only after the cat returned a couple of hours after she and her daughter returned from their vacation, did I learn that the cat had a tendency of disappearing when her owner took some days off. Maybe that’s something she should have told me before I embarrassed myself with a scavenger hunt marked by awfully-created street posters.
These posters are straight-up hilarious! Whether these folks intended on squeezing a fit of laughter from passers-by or not, they’re worthy of being inducted into the “Street Sign Fail Hall of Fame”. I needed to browse through this gallery with a foot in the bathroom door, because I almost peed myself from laughing so hard. So if it’s puns you like, or ridiculous wishes people have of the public, this gallery is all you need. So let’s get started!
Chop Job
Meditation is not for everyone. We all have our own methods of keeping our head clear, and for this guy, it’s chopping things, which he says helps him to keep thinking good thoughts. He claims to be able to chop anything, from wood to tires to, yes, even strong wood. He is so sure that he can chop anything, he’s even offering a $400 reward for anyone who can bring him something he can’t chop. Talk about a challenge.

Chop Job
Bad Pet
Is there such a thing as caring TOO much about animals? If anyone is guilty of being too much of an animal lover, it’s the person who put up this poster. While helping a stray dog or cat make its way home is a noble-hearted endeavor, most pigeons just want to be left alone, which is why they won’t come when you call or follow any commands. But it’s the thought that counts, right?

Bad Pet
Facebook Live
In the age of Facebook and social media, everyone is racing to like and share the best posts, which is probably what prompted this poster maker to put up this sign encouraging people to be “the first one to like this post.” Unfortunately for us, someone has already snagged that honor. But hey, take a thumbs up, every like counts!

Facebook Live
Your Friendly Neighbor
This poster maker must not watch enough horror movies, if their nonchalance is anything to judge by. Most people would call the police if they noticed a strange man lounging around their hot tub. Or an exorcist, once they noticed the man’s red glowing eyes. But hey, to each their own. Maybe demons appreciate a soak just as much as the rest of us. Just to be safe though, maybe start filling your hot tub with holy water.

Your Friendly Neighbor
Thanks Man
Sometimes, in the dark times we are living in, it can be easy to lose hope and get discouraged. So it’s heart-warming to come across a bit of good news like this. A concerned citizen, upon finding a stack of $20 bills wrapped in a rubber band, was faced with a choice: keep the rubber band for themselves, or try and find its rightful owner. Fortunately, they did the right thing and put up this poster. Let this good deed be an example to us all!

Thanks Man
That’s A Yes From Me
Everyone could use a little more positivity in their day, don’t you think? Fortunately for this neighborhood, one of its residents took the matter into their own hands by putting up this sign. Now, we aren’t sure exactly how a little strip of paper with yes on it will help you in these trying times, but it certainly can’t hurt, right? Better safe than sorry!

Thats A Yes From Me
Worth The Search
Every marriage is different, but this one might be more different than most. It would seem the poster-maker is in desperate need of impressing their wife, and they’ve decided the best way to do so is through music. So in exchange for “trombone” lessons (a rare and perhaps as of yet undiscovered instrument) they’re offering this lovable pooch Toby. Seems to me they would have better luck if they focused on being a better pet owner (and speller), but who are we to judge?

Worth The Search
He’ll Pay You
Who doesn’t love live music? Now imagine if your favorite band payed YOU to come to one of their concerts. Well, Sean is offering the next best thing. Not only are you provided with a private concert (he does not do groups) featuring original songs about the moon and stars, but you’ll even be paid $15 an hour for the privilege of hearing them. Sean, you’ve got a deal!

He’ll Pay You
About That Cat
Seems the world has more animal lovers than we assumed. This concerned poster-maker wants to help this “very aggressive” kitty find its home. That might be a little difficult, considering it has no collar or nametag and is in fact not a cat at all. They might want to quit while they’re ahead, especially considering the “cat” in question is not housebroken. Thanks for trying though!

About That Cat
The Ultimate Challenge
Come one, come all, to the event of the year! See “nature’s oldest rivals” face off in the contest to end all contests! Who wouldn’t want to watch buff men face off against weak men in tests of archery, baking, and insect identification? And for only $25! You can’t find a better deal than that! So we’ll see you November 18th, at the Buford Dome! And, if you’re feeling up to it, you can even throw your hat into the ring!

The Ultimate Challenge
Honest Poster
When you see a “Found Dog” poster, its normally because the poster-maker wants to help the dog get back to its owner. But this situation is a little different. It would seem that the dog and its finder are now “homies,” and have no plans to part any time soon. While this would naturally cause some alarm for the previous owner, the poster-maker ensured them that their ex-pet is safe and being well taken care of. Silver lining?

Honest Poster
These Puns Are Tearable
In these troubling times, everyone could use a good laugh, or at the very least a smile. So one local pun-master took it upon themselves to help brighten the neighborhood with some tearable puns. When asked what motivated them to share these puntastic puns, they had this to say: “I’m just trying to brighten everyone’s day a bit. After all, it’s pretty hard to read one of my puns and not, at the very least, crack a smile. I’m just doing my part to bring some laughter into the world.” Right on, Pun-master.

These Puns Are Tearable
Ah, The DMV
What’s worse than a root canal, a waiting room, and endless paperwork? That’s right, the Department of Motor Vehicles. This poster-maker intimately knows the struggle of automotive bureaucracy, and the only thing worse than losing their wallet is the dreaded thought of having to replace their license. Thus, the need to put up this poster. Hopefully a good Samaritan will help them out and spare them from having to return to “an evil place”.

Ah, The DMV
That’s Advertising
Who says there’s no truth in advertising? The unfortunate owner of this terrible printer desperately wants you to take it off their hands, but my guess is they would have more success if they weren’t so honest. It probably doesn’t help that they printed their sign using their terrible printer, which made it barely legible. But hey, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, right?

That’s Advertising
Addicted Kitty
Smoking can be a nasty habit to quit. Whether you choose patches or gum or cold turkey, everyone has their own strategy to ditch nicotine. But Mr. Whiskers seems to be having a hard go of it, and the neighborhood litterbugs aren’t helping. All those discarded cigarette butts are just too tempting to resist. Here’s hoping the sign helps cut down on litter, and Mr. Whiskers can finally kick smoking for good. We’ll keep our paws crossed!

Addicted Kitty
What Ninja?
If you lose a bike or a pet, a poster is a great way to raise awareness and have other people help you find it. However, if you are a highly trained assassin, skilled in the arts of stealth and concealment, a poster probably isn’t going to cut it. As the poster states, you probably haven’t come across the ninja in question, and lucky for you, because then you’d probably be dead. Best to just go about your day and pretend you never saw anything.

What Ninja?
He’s Got Friends
Why make two posters when you could save the paper and make only one? This concerned owner is looking for their lost turtle and nunchucks. The turtle must have gotten a good head start, seeing how turtles aren’t exactly the fastest land animals around. But it would seem that crime, and turtles, never rest, so this hard-shelled do-gooder set out to right some wrongs. Evil doers would do well to heads the warning and beware, at least until both turtle and nunchucks are safely home.

He’s Got Friends
Battle Of The Sexes
Remember etiquette lessons? Well, these aren’t those. This man and wife duo want to teach your son or daughter the intricacies of being a man or woman in the modern age. With lessons in subjects such as “groaning” or “long hair,” your child is sure to learn valuable lessons that will serve them well in life. What’re you waiting for, call today!

Battle Of The Sexes
Well, Is It?
Feeling down? Craving a Lionel Richie fix? Well this poster-maker has just the thing you’re looking for. Now you can carry around bits of the 80’s R&B sensation with you wherever you go! Now the whole neighborhood has a tune to sing (whether they want to or not).

Well, Is It?
Truly Lost
What’s worse than losing your smartphone? In our technological age, we are overloaded with information, and without a handy device to keep track of everything, the only option is to write it all down on little strips of paper. Unfortunately, passersby got the wrong idea and took the paper containing this man’s information! Here’s hoping the papers are returned and reattached with the thoughtfully provided tape.

Truly Lost
These Droids
What’s a Stormtrooper to do? You’re stuck on dead-end planet on a make-work assignment, there’s sand in your suit, and it’s too hot to think. And on top of everything, you can’t find the droids you’re looking for. Unfortunately, this sign won’t be able to help you much, but it should put a smile on any Star Wars fans’ face.

These Droids
Kind Of Looks Like This
Some pets are known for their hunting ability, others for their intelligence, but this guinea pig, Maximus Decimus Meridius, has a more impressive resume than most. A solider, general, and loyal servant, anyone would be distraught at his disappearance. Fingers crossed he makes his way home safely, and that he has his vengeance sooner rather than later.

Kind Of Looks Like This
Lost In Posters, Posters, Posters, Posters…
Any sci-fi fans? They’ll definitely appreciate this clever poster, advertising a lost wormhole. The closer you look, the more bizarre this poster becomes. Careful though, as it warns, any interference could mess with the space/time continuum. Better to just appreciate a good laugh and keep on walking.

Lost In Posters, Posters, Posters, Posters…
This One’s Difficult
Another great poster for science lovers. You should feel smart if you chuckled when walking by this poster, which is looking for a last cat to be returned “dead and alive.” While it could be a simple typo, it’s more likely a physics joke. Now we’re wondering if Erwin Schrodinger checked the cat’s box before putting up these posters.

This One’s Difficult
What, What, What?!
Posters are a great tool to raise awareness and get a community organized. Especially if your neighborhood is littered with dead geese. Luckily, this poster-maker was able to get to the bottom of things when Ned’s parents came forward about their son’s strange behavior. Who knows what happened to him after the neighbors were told to “do what you want with him,” but here’s hoping no more dead geese show up.

What, What, What?!
Totally Unapologetic
The schoolyard rules still apply. The owner of this beautiful horse will be disappointed to learn they aren’t getting it back, according to this informative poster. Apparently they have no one but themselves to blame, since they “should of kept a better eye on it.” The poster-maker has no intention of returning the horse, and doesn’t even seem to want to be contacted, though they did provide a number.

Totally Unapologetic
Dreams Do Come True
Lord of the Rings would have been a very different trilogy if Sauron had seen this poster. One would think that after everything he went through, Frodo Baggins would have learned better than to let the one ring out of his sight, but it seems hobbits never learn. Here’s hoping a good Samaritan comes along the ring, and not a wraith. Or Gandalf, who would be pretty displeased to learn about Frodo’s forgetfulness.

Dreams Do Come True
Pretty Specific
You heart has to go out to this poor cat owner. Not only is their cat missing, but they put the Y in DIY with their homemade “Lost Cat” poster. I guess when life gives you paper plates, make posters. Fingers crossed he reunites with his furry friend soon!

Pretty Specific
Looks Exactly Like This
This is not your typical lost dog poster. Most of the times, people want to be reunited with their lost pets, but Klaus’s owner wants the opposite. In fact, he just wants to warn his neighbors to steer clear, since Klaus will “literally attempt to rip your face off.” Better to just let animal control “deal with it.” Seems like Klaus is off to the pound.

Looks Exactly Like This
So Proud
Good job, Steve! Not only did he accomplish a milestone of young adulthood, he even put together this classy poster to spread the word! Now you can congratulate Steve in person or by ripping off one of the paper slips. If his smile is anything to judge by, Steve is feeling pretty good about himself right now.

So Proud
Rihanna Might Help
Fairy tale romance or bad joke? Seems like this poster-maker is torn. Who would have thought that you could find love just waiting in an alley? Strangers things have happened, I guess, but maybe someone just had a song stuck in their head. Either way, we are sure Rihanna appreciated the added publicity (not that she needed it).

Rihanna Might Help
Growing Up Is Hard
What is more heartbreaking than a broken friendship? Seems like Vince and his imaginary friend Steve are on the rocks following an ice-cream fiasco. Now Vince is scouring the town’s discount sushi restaurants and polka raves hoping to find his friend. Hopefully the town to will to his aid and help the two reunite. Grab some soy sauce and put on your dancing shoes, it’s time for a happy ending.

Growing Up Is Hard
Now That’s A Contest
Do you have what it takes to be the next Chewbacca? This eager poster-maker sure hopes so! He’s looking for vocally talented men and women to give us their best wookie impression in a voice mail message. The winner would even win $50! So what are you waiting for? Best of luck! Or as the wookies say: rrraahhhyhghh!

Now That’s A Contest
Life Is Too Short
Our heart goes out to this desperate poster-maker. Their good friend, Aaron, has gone missing, and it is of the upmost importance that he makes his way home before his three day life cycle is over. We just hope it didn’t take too much time getting the poster made. Be careful though, Aaron might be carrying some diseases, so approach with caution!

Life Is Too Short
Can You Read That?
Ever dream of being a rock star, making it big, and performing to sold out stadiums? Well now’s your chance! This local, progressive rock band is looking for the perfect drummer—you! As long as you can handle the music written on the flyer, you’re a shoe in! What are you waiting for, go audition today!

Can You Read That?
It Doesn’t End There
Most lost items are pretty big, like a bike or a dog, but this poor poster-maker lost the period key on his keyboard. It seems a missed dose of anger medicine led to a keyboard-induced rage, the end result of which was this missing key. The poster-maker seems to be keeping an optimistic attitude, though, and with the promise of that cash reward, here’s hoping the missing period will show up sooner rather than later.

It Doesn’t End There
A Girl Gave Me This Number
What is a person to do? This unfortunate poster-maker lost the last four digits of their phone number, and they’re trying desperately to find them. However, they do not seem to have thought the problem out, since no one will be able to call them to say they have found the missing numbers. Maybe it would have been smarter to leave an email address instead. Hopefully the poster-maker can count on his community to help him out.

A Girl Gave Me This Number
Maybe Buy A New One
This problem seems to be a little above our heads, if you know what we mean. The poster-maker is looking for their missing step ladder, and even offers a $500 reward for its return. But without their trusty boost, the poster-maker was not able to put their sign at eye level. With it being so close to the ground, chances are small that anyone will spot it or the missing ladder. However, such a hefty reward begs the question: why not just buy a new step ladder?

Maybe Buy A New One
Half The Reward
When it rains, it pours, right friends? This poster is searching for its other half, but with all the identifying and contact information torn off, there’s no way for concerned citizens to help. We know there’s a reward, but not how much, just like we know the other half of the poster was last seen…somewhere. Oh well, we work with what we’ve got. Here’s hoping the two halves are reunited soon!

Half The Reward
Stooping To Another Level
We know a good deal when we see one, and this is it! Only $600 for a perfectly good stoop, why, that’s practically a steal! Moving it might be a little tricky (you’ll want to talk to that one friend that owns a truck), but that’s the price you pay for a bargain. Be careful though, something tells us this might not be on the up and up, since the landlord can’t find out. Still, get it while its hot!

Stooping To Another Level
Intricate Sign
Nothing boils our blood faster than a rotten, no-good, dirty bike thief. In our current era of climate change, bicycles are an eco-friendly mode of transportation that’s easy on the ozone and the pocket book. To go and steal someone’s brand new bike, well that’s unforgiveable. We agree with the poster-maker: we hate you bike thief!

Intricate Sign
Well That’s That
Big-name music festivals are cropping up all over the place. While most people love the chance to hear their favorite bands all in one place, this poster-maker is fed up with popular music. In fact, they are so upset, they made this sign to share their opinion about the incoming bands, namely that popular music is terrible. Well, maybe they just need to change the radio station and listen to something different.

Well That’s That
What’s the worst part about job hunting? That’s right, handing out resumes! Luckily, you won’t have to for this advertised position. Google, one of the best companies to work for, has some open positions, and thanks to their tactic of subtly harvesting users information over the year, the application process will be a breeze! They already know everything they need to about you, so just sit tight and wait for that phone call!

Slightly Used
We’ve all been there. After a few drinks, we get impulsive, and the money in our pocket starts to burn a hole. So we make an impulse buy that we’re stuck with the next morning. Our heart goes out to this poor poster-maker, trying to unload a recent bad decision. While most people might be hard pressed to find a use for a slightly used rubber fist, one’s man impulse buy is another man’s treasure. Here’s hoping it finds a forever home soon.

Slightly Used
Tasted Like Chicken
Our hearts break to hear of another lost pup. While at first glance the poster seems informative, letting the reader know the age and appearance of the lost dog, the end leaves us with a bad feeling in the pit of our stomach. How, exactly, does the poster-maker know that the dog in question “tasted like chicken”? Hopefully this is some sort of typo or cruel practical joke. Stay safe little friend!

Tasted Like Chicken
Looking Forward
Nothing hurts worse than heartbreak. We all have our own methods of coping—sad songs, gallon tubs of ice-cream, even boat building. The only problem is this broken hearted poster-maker has nowhere to build this boat, so they’re out seeking a garage to work in. Seems like a pretty reasonable request, except the garage owner is also expected to join on the voyage. Maybe another lonely soul will see this sign and discover romance on the open seas.

Looking Forward
When You Don’t Want Them To Know
Our sympathy goes out to this unfortunate poster-maker, who seems to have lost their house keys. We all know what a headache that can be, but we think there is a better way of going about recovering them. While it is handy to provide a way to contact the keys’ owner, listing your home address and what time you’re out probably are not the smartest options. Here’s hoping no one takes advantage of this person’s naivety!

When You Don’t Want Them To Know
The Most Important Bowl
Any sports fans in the house? Boasting millions of viewers, the SuperBowl is the most-watched sporting event on television. But it isn’t for everyone. Some people only watch it for the commercials, while others are only interested in the half time show. Still others skip it entirely, like this poster-maker, who just wants to watch Animal Planet’s Puppy Bowl. And we don’t blame them! Unfortunately, their wife has other plans. Hopefully someone still has a VCR and can help this poor soul out!

The Most Important Bowl
Hope They Can’t Read Yet
Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. How else can you explain doing something so cruel and wicked hearted? Sure, we all know Santa is not real, but we also remember the magical time before we stopped believing in him. Kids grow up too fast these days, why not let them believe a little longer? Whoever made this poster is one big meanie, and we are certain their stocking is going to get stuffed with coal this Christmas.

Hope They Can’t Read Yet
Thanks, Time Cop
We are not entirely sure what this sigh is trying to prove. We could understand if parking was currently unavailable, but it seems like this warning is a little too late. Maybe a Time Cop put it up? In that case, an intertemporal parking ticket is a small price to pay for having unlocked time travel. But tell that to the driver of the red sedan.

Thanks, Time Cop
Can’t Miss Him
This poster might have benefited from an editor before it went to print, so to speak. Poor London Brown, a lost Jack Russell Terrier, has been separated from his family, with only his beloved tennis balls to keep him company. Though the poster says London is friendly, readers are cautioned about trying to separate him from his precious balls. However, the way the poster is worded makes it seem like these aren’t tennis balls. Oh well, here’s hoping London makes his way home soon!

Can’t Miss Him
There Is Such A Thing!
Everyone has a special talent. Some people juggle, others do magic tricks, and this guy, well, he impersonates cars. Whether it’s for a wedding, birthday, or bar mitzvah, he has you covered for all your car impersonation needs! He claims to be able to impersonate ANY car, even a Ford Mustang (though it comes with a “premium impersonation” fee). Even better, it’s appropriate for all ages, so kids can enjoy too! What’re you waiting for, call today!

There Is Such A Thing!