Celebrity Couples With A Huge Height Difference

Published on 06/14/2018

Race, religion, political association, gender, age, and so on. None of these are even a contributing factor when it comes to matters of the heart. Love doesn’t care about any of those things and that’s pretty remarkable. So why should love care if you’re taller or shorter than your other half? That would be a rhetorical question, of course. Naturally we pulled together celebrity couples who have a huge height difference – and guess what? It doesn’t bother them in the slightest. Love is love, folks. That’s the bottom line.

Clare Grant and Seth Green

Sure there is only a four inch difference between Clare Grant and Seth Green, but it is a distinct one. Especially when Clare is donning some heels. Poor Seth doesn’t stand a chance, we’re sure he’s heard the short jokes a thousand times.

Clare Grant And Seth Green

Clare Grant And Seth Green


Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth

Name me a more popular and loved female celebrity. No? Didn’t think so. Reese Witherspoon is more than just a Hollywood star, she is a legend in every sense of the word. Standing at 5’1″, she is clearly shorter than her 6’1″ husband, Jim Toth.

Reese Witherspoon And Jim Toth

Reese Witherspoon And Jim Toth